You’re still confusing philosophy and science. Do you know the difference between empirical study (which is what science does) and philosophical theory?
Materialism is not confirmed or disproved by science. Standard model symmetry theory is COMPLETELY consistent with dualism, idealism, pantheism, panentheism, non dualism, and any other metaphysical outlook.
Are you a nobel prize winning scientist? The difference between empirical study (description) and philosophic theory (explanation) is exactly what Dr. Weinberg’s article is about.
Before you write another note making exactly the same mistake (confusing empirical theories like standard model symmetry with a philosophic “explanation” like materialism, which has nothing to do with scientific inquiry), read Weinberg’s article.
And at least pay attention to what I just wrote, because I said basically the same thing previously, and your latest comment does not reflect any understanding of the point.
You are asking for counter evidence of materialism, but there is no evidence for or against it. Science does not provide “evidence” for philosophic theories, because they are 2 entirely different things (description vs explanation).
Again, since you don’t understand the difference, read the essay first. And then see if you can identify the mistake Dr. Weinberg makes at the end. Then we’ll be ready to talk.