Don Salmon
Oct 18, 2024


Well, B Alan Wallace, a scholar of world religions, has written a book, ‘Mind in the Balance” in which he teases out fundamental commonalities among religions, not with a simplistic monistic nonduality but keeping in mind the rich and essential differences between traditions.

Even better written, the 2014 “The Experience of God,” by David Bentley Hart, shows striking commonalities among the theistic world religions (including Ramanuja’s qualified non dualism and even the theistic traditions of Tibetan Buddhism and some other Indian BUddhist sects.

I am not aware of anyone who makes clearer both the underlying similarities AND differences than Sri Aurobindo, but his writing is found to be inaccessible to many. Perhaps someone can present a more accessible version of his integral yoga, which shows through truly respecting infinite variety how all yet meet beyond both the One and the Many.



Don Salmon
Don Salmon

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