This may sound like an apologetic approach to interpretation. But just to be clear - Jesus didn't say she must be born in a male body (which is consistent with the general idea that ALL of us are once-born and must become "twice born."
He said she must become "male."
Remember this was written in a radically different language in a radically different cultural context.
In the Indian tradition, to name just on example, it is common among both male and devotees to consider themselves female - proudly so - before God.
This is, of course, at least among those with some minimal awareness, symbolic. All it refers to is the ancient symbolism of Heaven as male and Earth as female.
In many post Axial age religions (that is, since around 500 BC) the Earth, as feminine has been denigrated. But if Jesus is using the symbolism that goes back to the more feminine, equalitarian ages, all he is saying is that we identify ourselves with the objective world.
in order to be born again, we must find the infinite, unbounded Consciousness, which of course is neither male nor female.
if none of this makes sense, I would suggest taking some time with Martin Laird's "Into the Silent Land."