This is SO excellent. I FINALLY lost "the last 10 pounds" doing mostly what you did.
1. Lost 30 pounds in 3 months in 2003, kept it off since.
2. Over the next 19 years, about once every two years for 2 months, tried keto, vegan, Joel Furhman, 1200 calorie diets - nothing
3. Starting at the end of December 2021, ate 2 meals a day. Started losing weight, effortlessly, but wanted to go a little faster, so I alternated 2 meals a day, one meal a day (food content didn't make any difference as far as I could see; but if it helps, I eat mostly a pescatarian diet, mostly whole foods, some fun sugary desserts)
Lost 10 pounds by the end of January and effortlessly have kept it off.
mere anecdote I know, but if it supports anyone else reading this article in trying, perhaps it will be worth it.