The secret of sustained weight loss in one sentence
Learn to tolerate - no, to enjoy - unpleasant sensations.
Explanation: If you feel a desire to eat something when you are quite clear you don't need to eat it, and you can BE with the unpleasantness of an unfulfilled desire, you'll never gain weight again, and you'll lose all the weight you need.
It helps, no doubt, to understand the author's VERY accurate statement, that it is fundamentally about calorie deficit (I'm having a long series of conversations with a frequent medium contributer who insists that insulin resistance and insulin sensitivity overrides the importance of calories - but he can't seem to find the research that shows this to send to me! )
Finally, it's surprising how many people don't know the basics about healthy food. Here's an easy way to start:
Learn which food you eat is poor quality processed food. Ms. Fontaine is correct - you won't succeed in just eliminating it all. But try to eat less of it.
Learn about healthy foods. Here's a few categories that everyone, from keto to vegan, agrees on:
NUTS AND SEEDS - not too much, but a few almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, etc - just to munch on their own, or toss in your salad, or whatever, very delicious and very filling.
VEGGIES: Leafy greens and non starchy vegetables (of course,starchy veggies are fine but I add this for keto folks). Frozen, steamed, sauted, grilled, pre-prepared, broiled, whatever - discover what you love (and especially, find sauces, dressings, etc)
I only mention these 2 categories because for most folks, it's VERY hard to switch from junk to ALL healthy food overnight.
But if you want to know, the least processed (shhh, don't tell the paleo/keto crowd) fruit, high quality whole grain and legumes, lean meat/poultry, fish, eggs, full fat dairy. Slowly switch from junk/highly processed food to these, and you'll be fine.
And yes, to SUM UP:
recognize the fundamental importance of the calorie deficit, and learn to ENJOY the hunger sensation without acting on it, and voila - you will DEFINITELY lose weight. Guaranteed.