Don Salmon
Feb 11, 2022

The great irony here is that every one of us has had glimpses in our life of what it is like to live from a radically different place.

Walking by the ocean, talking long into the night with a dear friend, or just pausing for a moment on a beautiful day, sipping some tea or coffee - suddenly all our plans and worries and concerns are spontaneously set aside, and we feel peaceful, happy, content.

We don't need to find anyone to save or fix us, we don't need to search for fulfillment and success.

We simply "are" - we are be-ing.

And it may be that simply remembering from time to time to gently let go, to gently shift from being a "human doing" into a truly "human be-ing" is all that we need to set in motion that process of transformation.


Don Salmon
Don Salmon

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