That's ENORMOUSLY helpful. Jan (wife and collaborator) and I have spent the last 4 months completely revising our YouTube channel (60 new videos!), our website (created 7 videos for the site, cut out about 80% of the text) and our Thinkific course platform (spending the rest of the day creating a navigation video for their nice but hard to navigate Community).
I woke up this morning to see an email from Sara Cordiner (one of the leading Thinkific experts) saying get rid of Thinkific, Kajabi, Active Campaign etc and go with TekMatix.
Among other things she was raving about the amazing support team. It all seemed WAY too good to be true. It's very helpful to hear you confirming this.
I'm definitely going to follow you and keep track and root for your success. I know all too well the extraordinary amount of work involved in what all those YouTube ad yahoos say should lead to 100K+ income within a month!!
Best of luck and thanks again.