sorry. Yes so much easier to just play a good song:>)))
There's a Harvard psychologist who wrote a wonderful book about personality development, "The Evolving Self." He excitedly showed a copy to his Dad. After his father looked through it, he said to his son, "Well, it looks like a good book. Now tell me when they plan to translate it into English!"
So let's see if I can do that. Haidt is a psychologist who kind of took a grab bag approach. He asked a lot of people what was most important to them, added up which things got the most hits (I'm trying to say it in an easy way:>!!) and figured out, "Well, there's 6 that seem most important."
Now tell me, if you were about to buy a car, and heard that the engineers threw pieces of paper with names of various kinds of spark plugs, electrical wiring systems, etc and just chose whichever showed up the most to make the car - my guess is you'd think, "I'm not getting anywhere near that car in a thousand years!"
So it really is not too hard to figure out, "hmmm, even though Jonathan Haidt claims to be a liberal, the fact that his research somewhat favors conservatives as being more open minded PROVES his research is of value," well - that doesn't sound like the way to put together a car (I hate Porches but I built one so I must be a good car mechanic!) much less a study of people's minds.
Hope that makes it simpler!