So many wonderful options!
1. FRUIT! Don't forget fruit. Be daring - grapes, pineapple (really); banana, apple. Just a bit. And coconut. And avocado (also a fruit).
2. HUMMUS. Ok, this one's probably just me. I'm about to sit down to a salad (plenty of crunchy sliced up cabbage, some kidney beans, and hummus - just hummus, or add cayenne if you want spice - mashed up and spread out all over the greens. Love it!
3. Yogurt dressing. Mix yogurt and oil (with or without balsamic vinegar) and spices. Blend cashews with oil and vinegar and spices for you vegans - and don't need much if any oil with the cashews.
4. More protein - add chicken, beans, nuts, meat of any kind, cheese, etc.
and thanks!