SO great.
IF never made sense to me as something special.
now here's my story for those who think anecdotal evidence is enough.
1. Lost 30 pounds in 3 months in 2003 just randomly having chosen 1500 calories - kept it off since
2. Have wanted to lose "the last 10 pounds" ever since - tried keto (didn't work - rigorous, ,under 20gms carbs; 2 months didn't lose a pound); tried numerous other things INCLUDING IF with an 8 hour window)
3. December 2021, went back to 8 hour window IF BUT left out snacks. Started losing weight, and alternated 2 meals a day with OMAD (one meal a day). RESULT? Lost 10 pounds in 1 month and have kept it off since.
So I went back to reading Jason Fung, and everyone told me it was the longer time without eating.
But I didn't fully buy it.
My conclusion? For me (not necessarily for anyone else), keeping this routine made it easier to.... (drum roll - don't fall off your chair in astonishment, and yes, I'm waiting for some keto or other lo carb folks to come in and tell me I'm wrong based on, well, poor research?)
eat less calories!
Who would EVER have thought of such a thing?
Keep it up, Egis. Good work.