Robert, it's not a matter of some sort of emotional reaction. I said before that your statement that "physical activity is 1.5 times more effective" for reducing anx/dep symptoms" is something I'm perfectly happy for you to say. As long as you don't claim it's scientifically supported. Then people can decide for themselves whether to accept or not accept your personal opinion.
But in your previous response to me, you wrote that we can agree to disagree, and that your interpretation of the study is simply different than mine.
I asked you a very simple question: Not seeing anything in the study you linked to that remotely supports your claim, can you quote me somewhere in the study showing that there was a comparison group carefully done, in a standard research protocol.
As far as ic an see, not only was there nothing like that, I couldn't find anywhere in the study anything close to your claim.
What Singh told you is not even remotely close to what you claimed in the opening of your article.
I'm simply saying, unless you can show me otherwise, you're making a scientifically inaccurate statement, and you are at least ethically bound to correct it.