Remember the West Wing episode with that horrible fundamentalist woman? And President Bartlett responds with some beautiful, deeply ethical spiritual observations?
A large number of the well educated highly literate folks who are attracted to Adyashanti, Tolle, Maharshi, etc have "escaped" from the accurately perceived limitations of conventional religion (as exemplified by that West Wing character) but they're left without a heart connection - so they can't demonstrate the high level devotion that Jed B did in that episode.
If we can understand that our 'heart has reasons the mind knows nothing of" (Pascal? I don't remember) then we can let our "feeling" of that all pervading presence support our sense of being in the moment, of recognizing the True "I" - and feel supported rather than (paradoxically) "doing it on our own" (which is impossible!)
I enjoy your down to earth writing. Having read way too many philosophic and esoteric writings, I feel so relieved to hear everyday, ordinary language on these things. Good work!