One of the very best articles I've read on healthy eating.
When I was still working as a psychologist, when people asked about food, I'd tell them, "Don't diet. Don't try to lose (or gain, if that's what you want) weight. Start with a maintenance diet. Don't count calories, don't look at your scale. ENJOY eating. Find healthy foods (and you're SO right, is there anybody who doesnt' know that leafy greens and non-starchy veggies are good for them - there's so much more, but beyond that everyone starts arguing so I'll leave it at that:>)) that you ENJOY, that you love. Find food that's easy and quick to prepare (I have a microwaved vegetable omelette on most days - 5 minutes from start to finish- i use different veggies every day and different condiments; it's been over a year and I LOVE it; ton's more options like that).
And for exercise - my favorite phrase is - "the best exercise is the one you actually do."
Yes, some people actually LIKE doing burpees - I don't and probably you don't either. My wife and I walk about 20-30 minutes every day and often hike together. I do HIIT run/spring early in the morning. I love kettlebells, I put together a routine of my favorite stretches.
And i've always loved dynamic stretching. I finally, last year, put together all of the favorites I collected over 30 years or more - here we are (no, it's not the Blues Brothers):