information, wave function even "brains" - all are concepts, resulting from rational thought.
I have a contemplative exercise for you Gerald:
read each line of your essay VERY slowly. One sentence at a time.
For each sentence, ask yourself: "Am I trying to understand something through rational thought? Or am I wiling to enter into the cloud of unknowing, to allow what Cynthia Bourgeault calls a new "operating system" to emerge, with a completely different nondual form of knowing, to emerge?
Virtually all of my comments on your articles can be seen as a friendly nudge to encourage you to let go of rational attempts to understand science and spiritually. Logic is an excellent tool but a terrible master. Logic can take ANY assumption and build a whole structure on it, but it has no power to provide a basis for that assumption.
once you truly understand this, there is no more any basis for physicalism, materialism, atheism etc (atheists will tell you they're not claiming belief in something, just an absence of belief in God - talk with them for 5 minutes about science and you'll discover - I promise, without a single exception -that they are all, to a person, dogmatic believers in the most irrational religious faith ever invented by man - physicalism. And I say "man" because men for some reason some more susceptible to this particular religious faith)
So again, read one of your lines about information. Then ask yourself - have I written this on the basis of ordinary rational thought, or have I let go into the cloud of unknowing allowing unitive inspiration to emerge?
And ignore the physicalists who think ordinary rational thought is all there is. You can't talk to them unless you find a treatment for their delusions.