I'll add one more thing, which as far as I can see, is almost universal among people who write on the integral yoga and is just so flat out wrong, that almost everyone you're trying to talk to outside the yoga is going to simply reject all that you write that is so valuable.
Your description of the "old yogas" is so much a caricature and so utterly untrue (perhaps a caricature of Sankara but so utterly at odds with the great Bhakti and qualified nondualist tradition of India as well as so much of the Tantric tradition which spread to Tibet, Japan, throughout China and much of the rest of Southeast, Far Eastern and Middle Eastern Asia.
Again I refer you to Sri Aurobindo's response to Nagin Doshi. Nagin had been hearing from Ashramites (imagine, this was almost 90 years ago and people are still making the same mistake) that Self realization is not a big deal, the old yogas are far inferior, etc etc.
Sri Aurobindo, shocked by this, asked where in the world did he get this ridiculous idea? Upon hearing it was from other Ashramites, Sri Aurobindo made the following comment:
"I have heard from people in other Ashrams that they find the disciples in this Ashram terribly arrogant and condescending, looking down on others as if they were far inferior. If this is the case, isn't it absurd on the face of it to think that way?" (I'm quoting from memory)
For all of the worship of every word of Sri Aurobindo's, I've never understood why people don't take this comment more seriously. I observed it in the very first meeting I had with a student of Sri Aurobindo, in 1976, who literally STOOD UP and pounded his fist on the table when I mentioned I was studying with a teacher who taught something similar to Sri Aurobindo, and he declared, "NOBODY ANYWHERE TEACHES ANYTHING LIKE SRI AUROBINDO."
Well, that was the last IY satsang I attended for some years. About 21 years later, I found 1 or 2 people online, at the Ashram, who thought as I did. Two of the most famous IY writers privately confided in me they thought the same - one had resided in Auroville for 30 years, another had written on IY books for over 30 years.
And here we are, the same thing. The psychic being is not unique to IY, nor is the supramental. Sri Aurobindo has said the supramental transformation of the mind and vital have occurred before, but not the body.
Ok, well, that's enough isn't it. I suggest we all look deep into our hearts and ask ourselves, why does this community spend SO much time emphasizing how unique this yoga is, all the while making comically ridiculous mistakes about the entire yoga and world spiritual tradition.
Let's wake up - the world needs it. Let's have the courage to face OUR OWN stuff, stop complaining about old yogas and this and that.
Remember Sri Aurobindo said: "The integral yoga STARTS where others END."
But in IY, everyone wants to start at the end to the old yogas.
Wake up, face our stuff, and one day or one life, we might be ready to START the integral yoga.