I managed to find a doctor who lets me take the BP at home and report it to him.
The following is the American Heart Association protocol. Nurses always say they don't have time to do this, but they could easily put the cuff on, go off and take care of some business, and come back and get the reading:
1. No exercise or eating for 30 minutes prior (they never ask you about this)
2. Put the cuff on properly, and sit still for 5 minutes (one doctor who evidently didn't know the research said that was cheating (!!) but ALL the research is done with the same protocol).
3. When it's time for the reading, DON'T talk (I once had a nurse who cooperated this far, then she jerks my hand up, pulls the arm, and starts asking questions!!), and take the reading WITHOUT MOVING YOUR ARM.
4. take 2, preferably 3 readings and take the average of the 3. Wait 1-2 minutes in between each reading. (admittedly, the nurses wouldn't have time to do this 4th step, but doing the other 3 would at least make readings slightly more accurate)
I'm guessing, Steven, since you eat so well, and I think I recall you said you exercise regularly, you may be staving off any potential problems of higher than average blood pressure.