I just reread your article and see a good caveat, regarding naps where you stay in light, Stage 1 sleep and naps where you go into deep Stage 3 delta wave sleep.
I would tend to agree, the research shows that for most people who have not trained in mindfulness or other states of greater awareness, taking a short 10-15 minute nap - particularly if you consciously engage in a disciplined relaxation practice, is probably best.
On the other hand, as I mentioned, research (not just on napping but on meditation - which applies here if you consider "napping" simply a meditation practice engaged in a non-sitting position) is quite consistent that IF you are capable of reaching a deep state fairly rapidly, then a nap in which you go into a state of deep sleep can be profoundly relaxing.
I've trained people to maintain awareness from waking into dreaming, and lucid dreams in naps often occur in non-REM sleep, so it's possible (again, this is only with sufficient training) to go from waking, to conscious dreaming to deep sleep in less than 30 minutes and come out deeply relaxed.
Spoiler alert - I'm working on developing practices that mimic psychedelic states without the side effects but with all the benefits. These can be done during the day, lying down (ie in naps!). It may be a few years, or it may be within the next year. Stay tuned!:>))