Homo Sapiens uniquely has self-awareness.
Yuval Harari is an historian with credentials no better than anyone else's for talking about consciousness.
Scientists - at least 99% - do not receive one minute of training in the study of consciousness.
If by "consciousness" you mean self awareness, well, , primates and some other mammals have been shown to have self awareness, but let's use the word "Consciousness" to mean self-awareness.
Do you think babies have no awareness? No feelings, say? Scientists thought this until around the mid 20th century. Crying was just a mechanical reaction.
Obviously, all humans and most animals have awareness, sentience of some kind.
Now, what experiment would you do to examine whether awareness exists anywhere - in humans, or anywhere else?
You can't because no such experiment exists. As Casper is tirelessly trying to tell us, science as it exists now (there's a TINY movement of qualitative research but it hasn't grown since I did graduate work in that area 30 years ago) does not have any means to investigate first person experience.
And ALL science, no matter how abstract, begins with first person experience. Thus, it's impossible using quantitative methods, which are founded in qualitative experience, to investigate qualitative experience.
There's one slight exception: Thousands of parapsychological experiments have shown, at a standard AT LEAST as high as all other sciences, that consciousness (in terms of simple awareness) is not bounded by the physical body.
Or perhaps you take the position which skeptics the world around have taken:
If without any fraud, with peer-reviewed research level methodology, statistical analysis and replication, psi results have been proven, then - because we know psi is impossible - we have to change science.
Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson could not have said it better.