Hi Patrick:
First off - excellent article, quite well written, and conveying an excellent message.
And before I add my little critique I will acknowledge - you did acknowledge the value of (1) healthy food, (2) regular exercise, (3) plenty of rest and (4) meditation (I have studied the research on acupuncture for years, and have seen effects beyond the placebo, but personally haven't experienced the benefits, so I'll stay neutral on that one)
I just have one request: Could you do perhaps a shorter follow up article putting the 4 positive aspects of wellness I identified front and center? Because there are a significant number of non "influencer" ordinary well meaning folks who I believe innocently use the term "wellness" simply to refer to those aspects.
It could be powerful and potentially have strong beneficial effects for a lot of people who might have trouble separating those out:
(1) Healthy food (not obsessive, like scrutinizing ingredients; just obvious stuff like fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, etc
(2) The utter simplicity of exercise - for free! (walking, light jogging, rebounding, etc for aerobics, dumbbells or - for those who can do it safely - kettlebells or body weight exercises for strengthening and some kind of dynamic stretch or yoga, etc
(3) the power of wise napping, flexibly scheduled sleep,
(4) This is a big one because there is SO much confusion around "meditation" - I call it attention training and refer to Dan Siegel and Les Fehmi's work teaching people gentle ways of using a wide repertoire of attention, but whatever appeals to you and your audience.
So there - there's your next article - may you get 10,000 claps (and then we can all walk a step for every clap and get our exercise in for the day:>)))))))