Don Salmon
May 13, 2022


Hi Gerald: having spent 50 years obtaining 3 graduate degrees AND teaching in various colleges, I wouldn't be too concerned about what Reverand Andy says. I've presented at philosophy conferences and corresponded with thousands of philosophers who believe in physicalism and the kind of empirical rigidity that Andy describes and to date, not one has been able to give a coherent definition of what "physical" means.

Until that is done, the whole notion of 'proving" God exists or does not exist shows a misunderstanding of "proof,' "evidence," "God," "exists," "Science," "empiricism," ontology, epistemology, and well, a complete lack of common sense.

Look at Sri Aurobindo's The Life Divine if you want to understand why Stephen Hawking's declaration that philosophy is dead is spot on.



Don Salmon
Don Salmon

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