Hi David:
I mostly agree with what you wrote. I've liked Peter's books since the 1970s, and for practice I love simplicity, relaxing into the moment, etc.,
However, a suggestion. Look again where he describes in simple scientific terms how all we directly know - even from the scientific perspective - is experience in Consciousness.
If you instead of thinking or analyzing this relax deeply and try to get a feel for it, it can make meditation MUCH MUCH easier.
Listen to sounds - just sounds, no thoughts or beliefs about them. Where do they occur? in awareness....
notice the same about sights...
all surrounded in, embraced by, permeated by Consciousness (or awareness, if you prefer that word)
You may get a glimpse of what Adyashanti or Eckhart Tolle or really any great contemplative text means by the all pervading Presence of God, or Brahman, or the Tao.
Not thinking but experiencing what Peter writes about this. Quite powerful!