Hi again - I feel like I'm making this WAY too complicated
Here is a much simpler way:
ALL concepts in physics are derived very simply:
1. Extract from sensory experience purely mathematical concepts. Analyze them. Come up with theories.
That's it. Full stop. There is absolutely no conflict with anything spiritual. They're entirely unrelated. BUT YOU CAN'T USE THESE ABSTRACT CONCEPTS TO CONNECT TO SPIRTUALITY. They're entirely unrelated.
All you need to do is show a few things: (a) spirituality deals with an entirely different way of knowing the world of experience, which is the only world we know; (b) science at NO POINT requires physicalist, materialist beliefs; therefore (c) there is no conflict between science and spirituality, BUT you cannot use simplistic comparisons between the abstract concepts of science and the gnostic intuitive knowing of spirituality.
That's it. I keep pointing out where you get into trouble is you keep assuming the abstractions of physics are directly descriptions of reality. What I'm saying not only does NOT require abandonment of reason, it requires it. your attempt to link abstractions with intuitive knowing is not rational and quite easily shot down.
When on occasion you get this, your logic is unassailable. Far from recommending the abandonment of reason I'm supporting the right use of reason. physicalists and atheists almost entirely engage in purely irrational assertions. if you make this clear, the conflict is over.