Good article as always.
As far as the best writer on science and spirit?
In 50 years of study, I haven't found anything as good as Marco Masi's "Spirit Calls Nature." A physicist who has written one of the best introductions to quantum physics, and a decades long student of the writings of Sri Aurobindo, he understands the problems of physicalist thinking and the depths of spirit better than any other spiritual science writer I've come across.
I should add though - his book is quite complex, going deep not only into physics but evolutionary biology, neuroscience and both Eastern and Western philosophy.
if you want an easy read, also far better, I think, than Eddington's work and informed by the best contemporary research, I would without hesitation recommend Steve Taylor's "Spiritual Science." Far more insightful and clear than Capra, Sheldrake or many other contemporaries, and far more sophisticated philosophically than Eddington's work.
Don't get me wrong. We quote Eddington in our book on yoga psychology and think he's a wonderful thinker, but there are much better options available.