Gerald, I'm afraid Sender Spike is precisely correct in his statement that ANYTHING that physicists speculate on is "merely yet another mathematical construct."
I strongly recommend that you go to Marco Masi's YouTube channel and look at his videos on quantum physics. Marco has been studying BOTH physics (he's written an excellent undergraduate textbook on quantum physics) AND the philosophic foundations of science for more than 3 decades.
in his video, he clearly explains that the "measurement" problem - as narrowly defined by physicists - has NOTHING to do wtih a conscious observer. The wave function collapse - as defined within physics, an important caveat - can perfectly well take place without any consciousness at all (now, there are perfectly good philosophic reasons to state that nothing can take place without consciousness - not human but some kind of consciousness - but you CANNOT derive that from physics).
The problem with confusing these two realms is, for people who know BOTH physics and philosophy, it undercuts the value of your posts.
You are doing excellent work and your speculations are at times headed in a good direction, but this conflation of science wtih spirituality without a clear sense of the limits of physicalist science does your whole project a disservice.
I suggest a few things if you really want to do some hard work:
1. : Look CLOSELY at Marco's videos.
2. Buy Marco's book (get the Kindle edition; it's quite inexpensive): "Spirit Calls Nature."
I don't get any compensation for this recommendation. It's just that Marco is among the best I've seen in 50 years in terms of clarifying the relationship of science and philosophy.
Beyond that, begin some contemplative practice if you haven't yet.
here's one directly relevant to your project:
As many times as you can during the day, remind yourself of 2 things:
1. ALL that you experience is perception. You do NOT directly experience a purely physical world.
2. ALL of modern science is based on conscious experience, or to put it briefly - perception. ALL of modern science is simply a mathematical description of measurable behaviors of certain aspects of conscious experience. Period. There is not a SINGLE thing (including 4, 5 or more) that gives us ANY information about the NATURE of REALITY apart from our conscious experience.
Scientific measurements tell us that something about which we know nothing appears to behave in certain mathematically predicable ways. But it CANNOT tell is if that something is conscious or unconscious intelligent or non intelligent. Science can never provide evidence for a universal intelligence and it can never provide evidence against it.
This is NOT the same as what atheists say when they proclaim "You can't provide evidence for something (God) that doesn't exist."
if they really understood what they meant, it is equally true that "You can provide evidence for something (a purely mind independent, physical reality) which by definition we can never have even the slightest bit of evidence for!"