Fill up a thermos with some combination of black and green tea, or black coffee (no added milk or cream, or sweetener). I love almost any form of Rooibos Tea, especially chai, but whatever works for you is fine.
I've found, quite regularly, that when I start to feel hungry, if I have some tea or (black) coffee, the hunger goes away.
This, of course, is assuming you're eating high quality, whole foods. To forestall any concern about what "high quality whole foods" are - see what works for you.
if you believe lo-carb is the answer, then don't eat more than a very small portion of berries, and eliminate all starchy vegetables, grains and legumes. On the other hand, if you are one of the hundreds of thousands of people who have easily lost and maintained weight loss and have healthy biomarkers who eat a large amount of high quality fruit, starchy vegetables, legumes and grains, then go for it. There's no need to argue about these things - different approaches work for different people.
Meanwhile, for those not interested in esoteric arguments, try tea or coffee (no milk, cream or sweeteners). This also may not work for you - but it works for many people.