Dr. Westreich,
I'm very glad you concluded that both individual and community-wide change are necessary.
But why prioritize community-wide change? You wrote:
"setting plans to explicitly eat healthier meals can help avoid the temptation — but the better solution is to push for community-wide change."
Why not do both?
The "bio-psycho-social" model has been - in words, though rarely in practice - the goal of the mental health profession for 46 years:
Help people develop a life routine for healthy physical living (eating, exercise, sleep)
Help people develop their own mental health
Create communities which foster healthy living (the Blue Zones idea was supposed to foster this but it has only caught in in a few dozen cities around the world)
How do you implement this?
I don't know. I have a lot of ideas, but so do many others and nothing seems to have caught on. It should NOT be only done for money - information on how to do all this stuff, how to lead healthy lives, is widely available and should be free for all.
Is there some way we can create community centers which prioritize healthy living - and do it in a non-preachy way - dare I even say, a way that is so much fun that people would flock to it to learn how to support each other in healthy living?