At the root of this article is a profound question about the extent we can develop greater empathy; not as a logical exercise but as an actual experience.
Those of us in Western North Carolina saw this in action when FEMA workers - often from other parts of the country - risked their lives to save people they never met before and have no personal connections with.
I saw in in NYC on 9/11, when, driving down to pick up my wife, who was working a few blocks away, I saw first responders risking their health, if not their lives, combing through the wreckage while inhaling toxic fumes.
I see it in my work in the mental health field, where colleagues give over their time and energy to help support the healing of people they have no personal connection with.
I remember the iconoclast, Krishnamurti, describe his experience of Love. He shared an image of a radiant Light shining out from his heart, landing "indiscriminately" on all he came into contact with.
Imagine what this world would be like if each of us cultivated that potential love within our hearts to such an extent that it shined its brilliance on all with whom we come into contact - minute by minute, day by day, year by year, throughout our lives!