Anecdote of 1, I know:
Lost 30 pounds in 3 months 19 years ago. Effortlessly kept it off since. All I did was cut calories to 1500. no rebound afterward, no problems.
I did try the infamous keto diet for awhile to try to lose 10 more pounds. Lost 1.
Some years later, I started taking aerobics classes 3 days a week, and in 2 months my weight went down another 5 pounds.
There's a fellow who writes relentlessly here against the 'eat less move more" idea, who told me (I'm sure if he sees this he will lie as usual and claim he never said it) that after losing weight on keto, he tried to continue with keto - as I did - to lose 10 more pounds and was unable to succeed.
Folks, trust your body. Keto works wonderfully for some, not for others, Low fat works wonderfully for some, not for others, Intermittent fasting works.... well you get the idea.
There's no magic bullet except sanity.