And actually, if you leave out the word "supernatural" as well as 'God" in the last paragraph, you have something that would be perfectly in place in any conventional essay on the philosophy of mind.
I've love to see Paul attempt another response to this, rather than try to change the subject. I was a member of the Journal of Consciousness Studies online forum for 8 years, with many very high level philosophy professors, some of international renown (Chalmers was a member for quite some time, as far as I can recall). None could answer this question.
Based on my reading of Paul's writings, he is likely to be 100% confident he has already answered it and can answer it again, and just as likely, he will avoid answering it altogether, as he has consistently done in the past. (He'll probably write some non sequitur and then dismiss me, or even both of us, as too ignorant to talk to!)