All great suggestions.
Some little psychological tricks.
** I love quinoa, but always find I’m unsatisfied eating it. Solution: Mix quinoa and millet. A lot of folks don’t like the slightly bitter taste of millet, but with quinoa, I find that bitterness is gone. But the main thing is it’s more crunchy.
On to trick #2
** Super anti carb people won’t like this, but then, they can just eat rib eye steak, as another commenter seems to want to do!:>)). I discovered, much to my surprise, that often when I think I’m hungry, I just want a bit more crunch.
There are very healthy millet-flax crackers you can order online if you can’t get them at a local store. Say you’re eating some quinoa-millet but still want more “crunch” - take just 2 or 3 crackers, break them in to small pieces and voila - you’ve got crunch.
And I’ve even checked a few times - is it the extra calories? Nope. I can get a smaller serving of the grains and add the crackers and I’m just as filled up. I add these cracker pieces to salads, soups, grains/legumes, etc and it’s amazing how much easier it is to eat moderately.
Great stuff, thanks Ange.