Ah, I see you wrote about privilege above aswell.
Can you explain something to me?
Is there ANY activity that you think people are personally responsible for?
So eating has nothing todo with personal choice. What about exercise? Are the reasons very few people exercise regularly entirely mechanical, biological, social? Are human beings thus robots with no agency?
What about sleep problems?
Or anxiety and depression? All due to "chemical imbalances" (a theory disproven more than 40 years ago!) or external stress?
Let's go further into this - I suppose 10s of millionsof children are helpless slaves to the ads they see in various media, so they haveabsolutely no choice but to eat tons of sugary junk. food and deveop Type 2 diabetes.
Well,I'll tell you my theory. At least 75% or more of the motivation behind keto is. being absolved of responsibility. SImilarly with theattachment to the idea of biochemical causation OR societal events as the sole cause of psychological suffering, and similarly to the elevation of privilege. as something that explains EVERYTHING.
Reason seems to be the neglected child of our current era.