Actually, I do have a question.
I realized I needed to lose a lot of weight back in 2003 - 5'10", 203 pounds., age 51.
I simply chose 1500 calories, got down to 173 in 3 months, and kept it off since.
Sound good?
yeah, but my goal was to get to somewhere in the high 150s to low 160s (Not for "looks" but to keep the blood pressure down)
I have no difficulty with discipline - I tried 1200 calories a day for 2 months (30 minutes moderate aerobics 6 days; 3 30 minute resistance training sessions, worked with a physical trainer to refine it -
result? Lost 2 pounds in 2 months, gained it back a few weeks after resuming normal eating (which is around 1800 calories. Go much over that and I gain weight)
Ok, just two more things:
1. No matter what I tried (perfect Keto, under 20 grams net carbs; as well as vegan and others) nothing made a difference until I started a 3 morning a week 60 minute aerobics class in 2018. My "set point" went down about 5 pounds, to 168. Still there.
2. ONE thing did work - I managed to do the "FAST" diet - 800 calories a day - for 2 weeks. Weight went down to 158 and stayed there 2 months. I was so confident this was it I ate OVER 1800 calories a number of days, and am now back to 168.
I've never read anything that would make any difference. 800 does not seem appropriate, 1200 doesn't work, and I don't know any other combination of exercise that would make a difference (one could say, you look fine, feel great, Don, is it really worth it for blood pressure)
Well, lots of heart attacks and strokes in my family, the best medication only keeps it in the 130s and mid to high 80s, and in fact in those weeks I weighed in the high 150s, the BP was down around 115 over 75, without medication!
so.... well, I'm downloading your PDF, so we'll see.