A few suggestions from a decades long meditator
1. TIME Having enough time: Don't have 10? try 5. Don't have 5 (you do, but more on that in a moment) do 1.
2. WHEN: When you lie down to sleep (yes, you can meditate lying down), spend one minute EVERY NIGHT FOR 30 NIGHTS observing your breath.
3. HOW LONG: Once you establish 1 minute lying down, try the previous minute to do it sitting up in bed (this is ok also; be playful about it)
4. HOW: Without trying to control the breath or - MORE IMPORTANT - without trying to control the mind, feel the sensations, feel your whole body moving as you breathe. Let your focus be wide, feel the whole body at the same time as you feel the breath.
5. MOST IMPORTANT: EFFORTLESSNESS: Enjoy this. You don't need to try anything.
You don't need to be the least bit concerned even about keeping the focus. Notice your mind has wondered? CELEBRATE the fact you noticed and go back to your breath. Each time you notice your mind wandered, be happy you noticed instead of judging yourself. If you have to return to the breath 5 or 50 times in 5 minutes, celebrate each time.
6. "PROGRESS" - don't be the least bit concerned about progress. However, you'll find if you maintain the calm, peaceful effortless non striving quality, you will naturally, usefully gracefully be more and more centered in the present, simply "being with" the feeling of easeful breathing.
7. THE REST OF YOUR LIFE: If you spent 1, 5, 10 or even 30 minutes every evening (or morning, when you wake up, or any other time of day) with a perfect meditation but you're eating all kinds of crazy things, getting to sleep super late, spending money wildly, getting angry at this and that, constantly stressing yourself out about things that don't need QUITE as much stressing, meditation is going to be hard and it won't have all that much effect.
Consider the body and grounding your life - eating well, exercising, sleeping well, using time well and spending money wisely
Consider your interpersonal life - living a responsible caring, compassionate life, making concrete efforts to help others when appropriate, maintaining appropriate boundaries as well
Consider developing your mind - THINK clearly about your work, your relationships, whatever you're learning
THINK ABOUT YOUR ULTIMATE CONCERNS: from time to time, in whatever way is meaningful to you, think about what you most want your life to be about.
meditation can help with all of these things, but getting all of these things even a tiny bit more together will help immensely with meditation. You'll be totally stunned to see, if you keep up with this over the years, how profound the difference can be - far far from what you could ever have imagined back at the beginning.