A few more suggestions:
To help with not stressing when you wake up in the middle of the night. "How wonderful, I'm in this cozy bed, with plenty of time on my hands. Finally, some time to practice those mindfulness and breathing and other practices I don't have time for during the day, and at such a quiet time.
Here's a few:
(a) Focus on the following points, breathing in and out very slowly, FEELING the sensations flowing, vibrating at each point. If you like to add a sound, you can imagine hearing a flowing HUMMMMMM (or if you don't mind the symbolism, OMMMMMM - try it, it REALLY feels good)
Do about 3 or 4 cycles of inhaling and exhaling at each point:
base of the spine
an inch below the navel
an inch above the navel
at the center of the chest
the center of the throat
the center of your forehead
the top of your head.
then back down the same points
I have never been able to stay awake for more than 3 or 4 cycles of this. If you know Ujayi or ocean breathing, it's even MORE powerful. here's how you do it:
FIRST VERSION OF INSTRUCTIONS: very gently tense up the muscles of your throat as you breathe
SECOND VERSION: I find very few people "get it" from the above typical instruction, so try this:
Hold up your hand as if it's a mirror and you're going to intentionally fog it up. Make a very breathy HAAHHHH sound.
Now, with your mouth OPEN, inhale making the same HAAAHHHHH sound.
Now, with your mouth CLOSED inhale and exhale using the same HAHHH sound.
If you're doing it right, after a few minutes of doing this, it will feel like you've just smoked a little weed (ok, now you're motivated to try it, right?)
If you find your mind is not absorbed while doing these practices, try it using music.
Here's some music you can use: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AT49S0zTDhQ