Don Salmon
2 min readOct 25, 2022


1. The problem is entirely diet.

2. “Work done by a Harvard group found mindfulness.... directly control[s] expression of genes related to mitochondria, and to metabolism more broadly,” he says. One 2013 study from that group concluded that the body’s relaxation response “may evoke its downstream health benefits by improving mitochondrial energy production and utilization and thus promoting mitochondrial resiliency.”

3. Willpower has nothing to do with it.

Thus sayeth this article.

Let's dig a little deeper:

Diet affects mitochondria. The mind controls gene expression (the doctor didn't say that alone, but Herbert Benson found that mindfulness can affect the expression of over 400 genes). We have no responsibility for our psychological condition because it's all about diet.

Wait, that doesn't make sense. If the mind affects the body, then it's not just diet and we DO have the potential to take responsibility.

perhaps a more balanced article might say:

What happens physically and mentally has mutually synergistic effects. Because we eat so badly, and have so much stress, it is hard to make choices. However we DO have at least SOME capacity to make choices in what we eat, how we sleep, spend money, relate to each other, take times to relax and be mindful (ie we DO have "will power" though not the strained, ego-driven manipulative control that most people mean by that word).

So with mutual support, we can learn to eat what supports our gut health (which may be keto for SOME people and may be more complex carbs for others; sorry, the science supports keto but not one size fits all - see Dr. David Ludwig for a very balanced presentation of this - and he is VERY positive about keto in the right circumstances, for the right period of time for the right people), we can learn to be mindful, to be responsible, caring, empathic, loving, compassionate people.

But it's a lifetime of effort to do so. Let's not look for quick, pseudo scientific fixes. And let's all get together, all humans, seeking to support each other on this wonderful miraculous planet we share, instead of bickering about politics and food and religion and all the other silly things we argue about that we fixate on in order to avoid taking responsibility for our lives.



Don Salmon
Don Salmon

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