1. Alternate nostril breathing. (see any number of youtube videos for how to do it). Do about 20 rounds, then - most important - soak in the wonderful, tranquil after effects. Don't stress about counting, just make it approximate. And you can do it lying down without using your fingers to close off alternate nostrils - just imagine breathing in left, out right, in right, out left - you'll be amazed how it actually feels like you're breathing in one more than the other.
2. Spinal breathing. Focus at the base of the spine, using ujayi breathing (slightly tense the throat muscles - the sound is like a seashell held up to your ear, or a bit like Darth Vader) imagine pulling a current of energy up the spine as you inhale then relax and exhale down the spine. Same as #1, feel the tranquil after effects after doing approximately 20 rounds.
3. Relaxing music. If you do either #1 or 2, or box breathing combined with ujayi, and at the same time FEEL the music absorbed into your body, you will fall asleep much faster.
4. I can't do this one more than 2 minutes without falling asleep. I apologize, it will sound "new age" but YOU DON'T HAVE TO BELIEVE ANYTHING. Yes, it involves the sound "OM." (1) focus at the base of the spine and hear and FEEL the sound OMMMMMMM vibrating there; (2) the same just below the navel; (3) the same just above the navel; (4) the same at the center of the chest; (5) the same at the throat; (6) the same at the center of the forehead; (7) the same at the top of the head. Keep repeating Ommmm, ommmm, ooommm, oommm, etc.
You can do one or more rounds of box breathing with ujayi at each point. Go up and down several times. I can't get past 3 or 4 times up and down without falling asleep.
5. 61 points. Same as #4 but going through the whole body. Now we're getting into yoga nidra territory. #4 is much faster, but if you're interested din lucid dreams, 61 points is indispensable. I find almost inevitably, somewhere between points 35 and 45, my brain waves have shifted and I'm starting to SEE clear, vivid, 3 dimensional dreams occurring. The only thing you have to do from there is zoom in and you'll be IN a dream (note - seeing the 3D images is something I find easy - zooming in so you enter in the dream takes a LOT of practice)
6. There's lots more, but if you don't like techniques, what Sergio wrote about reading something light and keeping a journal is part of one of the most highly recommended sleep habits - to establish a restful, peaceful, THOROUGHLY ENJOYABLE routine before sleep. This is likely going to feel tough at first - you just have to catch that last zombie movie on Netflix, or text a gazillion more texts; or spend just a few minutes checking out your TikTok responses; well yeah, if you don't want to have good sleep! Anyway that's enough to start with.
Our online course, "Wake Up to the Best Sleep" ever, will be available soon. Meanwhile, if you are interested in being one of the early "testers," taking it for free, let me know. Go to the contact page at www.RememberToBe.Life